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Are you a sinner?

Hmmm when are we capable of becoming sinners, probably the first time we are able to comprehend speech. Situation:: A mom says to her 3 year old, did you I ask you, are you a sinner? Have you ever lied, stolen, lusted, coveted, or been angry with someone unjustly? If so, then you have broken the Law of God. To be a Saint, you must do nothing wrong, and that's impossible To be a sinner should translate: Sinner - To Have Fun Sinner all the way

Have you been to church lately? Does religion play a role in your life? Do you even believe in a God or some other form of spiritual being?

Are you a sinner?

Yes … that’s my question. Are you a sinner? …because if you are a sinner the Australian Government isn’t terribly troubled if you’re fired from your job.

Newspaper reports have revealed that there is a special exemption permitting the Catholic Church and other religious organisations to ignore much of this country’s anti-discrimination laws and that these exemptions will remain intact. And who will they be allowed to discriminate against? Sinners.

But what classifies as a sin?

I’m not talking about pulling out the 10 commandments here I am talking about lots of this that happen ‘normally’ in today’s society like:

  • living with your partner before getting married,
  • or using condoms or other forms of contraception,
  • or trying to conceive a baby through IVF.

Dear Catholic Church, (and I’m looking at you in particular George Pell) why are you trying so hard to isolate yourself from today's society? You are continually making these types of decisions that push followers away from the Church.

You want more people to attend church, but you took the mass back to pre-Vatican II which makes the prayers sound weird and so much harder for young children to understand. ‘Peace be with you’ makes sense – ‘Peace be with you and your spirit’ …I don’t get it, isn’t your spirit part of you in the first place?

If the younger people in your parish aren’t connecting with the church – then they aren’t going to feel the need to come to church each week.

I’m glad that you’re enjoying church the way that you remember it. But the fact of the matter is that on Easter morning I sat in a church with a congregation of NINE to celebrate the most important day in the Catholic calendar. That included the lone girl operating the organ, an elderly couple, my parents (who live in another parish but were down for Easter), my husband’s father, me and my husband, oh and the Priest. We live in Canberra – not some small country town!

Jesus said ‘Come as you are, that’s how I love you’. But somehow the Catholic Church is now saying ‘come as you are, as long as you’re not gay, or living with your partner out of wedlock, or using contraception, or trying IVF, or …’

What’s going to happen when no one wants to associate with the Catholic church anymore?

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