There is no overhead light in our parlor, though it looks like there was at one time. We could use flashlights at night or pack the room full of Craigslist table lamps, but a beautiful piece of ceiling jewelry sounds more elegant. The rooms that do have non-ceiling-fan overhead lights have brass fixtures; either aged antique ones or shiny yellow brass that was stylish in the '80s. So we're going with brass. In the form of a drum pendant, to contrast the fixture in the entry. We did look at some antique fixtures, but they were outside our budget.
These new lights were all contenders, but some were too small, too expensive, not enough bulbs, or a different finish than the picture. We ordered #2 without seeing a floor model, yikes! I called around a bit but couldn't locate one. Fingers crossed.
If you're in the market for a large drum pendant, try these:
1. Five Light Chandelier
2. ELK Lighting Preston Drum Pendant (at Joss & Main now for a big discount!)
3. Hinkley Zelda 3-Light Drum Pendant
4. Large Cosmo Pendant
5. Quorum French Damask Vintage Pewter Pendant Light, multiple sizes
6. Five Lights Iron Pendant
When the room has both furniture and light, I'll share a picture.
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