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Pushing my feeling aside

My husband is a doctor and works long unpredictable hours and I have always been considerate about it but lately I am just starting to feel overwhelmed Should i tell him how i feel or push my feelings aside? Today is fourth of july and it is also our 7 month anniversary and he just has no time for me at My feelings and relationship always get pushed aside when my boyfriend's sister is around. He always puts her above me and us. I adore her and don't want

Do you ever feel like people don’t take your feelings into account? What about if you’re really emotional about something and people just brush your feelings aside? Ok … stop with your eye rolling, I am not a crazy, over-emotional, pregnant women. Let me tell my story first!

It’s been 8 weeks since our kitchen was removed. We gutted the kitchen before Christmas in the hope that we would have it finished before the New Year. But this didn’t happen. We have been waiting and waiting on the bench tops to be installed, so that we can install the appliances and put a new back splash in.

The cupboards were completed and installed three days after the kitchen was gutted and then we waited… and waited … and waited…

Maybe if I wasn’t pregnant this wouldn’t wind me up so much – but I am pregnant and I want to ‘nest’. We can’t complete the nursery until we complete the kitchen (as we are moving the study into a study-nook that has been built in the kitchen). And I now keep having reoccurring dreams that the baby comes early and nothing is finished.

Last Saturday I lost it at my in-laws. I walked in and my mother-in-law asked if I had been crying – I hadn’t but this opened up the floodgates. She asked me what was wrong and I said that I was upset that my kitchen wasn’t complete … she said I made her laugh and that I shouldn’t worry about it. Okay – I get it, don’t cry over spilt milk.

But not having a kitchen is having a massive impact on my life – not to mention the fact that I was due to hold a baby shower the following Saturday (planned well in advance, thinking that the kitchen would have been finished two weekends before).

And then my father-in-law turned around and said that I was being a sook. defines a sook as ‘noun 1. Australia and New Zealand. a timid, cowardly person, especially a young person; crybaby.’

I’m not being a sook – I’m not being timid or cowardly – in fact, I thought I could certainly make a few men jump if I rocked up to the stone cutting place and let my crazy pregnant rant out!

But I digress – this made me more upset because I don’t want my children to be called sooks if they get upset … doesn’t matter if they are boys or girls. If someone is crying – for an emotional or a physical reason – I want to be able to comfort them, not push their hurt aside.

What’s wrong with a little bit of crying every now and again?

A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally.Oscar Wilde

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